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images/icon_transition_elements.svgTransition Elements


The Transition Elements catalogue is a dynamic and evolving catalogue that provides computational models tailored to each climate mitigation option outlined in the Mitigation Compendium. These models are designed to facilitate detailed analysis, enabling stakeholders to simulate and assess the effectiveness of various strategies in real-world scenarios. As we continue to expand and refine this catalogue, it serves as a critical tool for translating high-level mitigation concepts into actionable pathways for climate action.

T-1 - Transport

T-1A - Mobility

T-1A1 - Road

T-1A1a - Light Duty Vehicles

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_electric_vehicles.svg T-1A1a-TE-1 Shift to electric cars Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol, diesel, LPG and gas vehicles to battery electric vehicles in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/shift_to_hydrogen_vehicles.svg T-1A1a-TE-2 Shift to hydrogen cars Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol and diesel vehicles to hydrogen vehicles in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/ecodriving_of_cars.svg T-1A1a-TE-3 Ecodriving of cars Reduce the amount of energy required to drive petrol, diesel, LPG and natural gas vehicles through ecodriving
images/icons/improved_vehicle_technology.svg T-1A1a-TE-4 Improved car engine technology Reduce the amount of energy required to drive petrol and diesel vehicles through improved engine technology
images/icons/more_efficient_commuting_by_car.svg T-1A1a-TE-5 Increase journey sharing Reduce the number of vehicle kilometers from petrol, diesel, lpg and natural gas vehicles to fulfill the need of commuting through more efficient commuting by car
images/icons/transfer_from_car_to_railway.svg T-1A1a-TE-6 Shift from car to railway Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol, diesel, LPG and gas vehicles to electric rail in person kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_non_travel_meetings_and_services.svg T-1A1a-TE-7 Shift to online meetings and services Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol, diesel, LPG and gas vehicles to e-meetings in hours to fulfill the need of business trips
images/icons/transfer_from_car_to_remote_working.svg T-1A1a-TE-8 Shift from car to remote working Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol, diesel, LPG and gas vehicles to remote working in hours to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/increase_renewable_proportion_in_petrol.svg T-1A1a-TE-9 Biofuel for petrol cars Increase the proportion of ethanol in petrol
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_walking_and_cycling.svg T-1A1a-TE-10 Shift to walking and cycling Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol, diesel, LPG and gas vehicles to walking cycling in person kilometer to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/shift_to_electric_bikes.svg T-1A1a-TE-11 Shift to electric bikes Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol,diesel and LPG vehicles to electric bike in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_commuting_by_electric_bus.svg T-1A1a-TE-12 Shift to travel by electric bus Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol, diesel, LPG and gas vehicles to electric bus to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_public_transport_by_hydrogen_bus.svg T-1A1a-TE-13 Shift to travel by hydrogen bus Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol and diesel vehicles to hydrogen buses in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_public_transport_by_lpg_bus.svg T-1A1a-TE-14 Shift to travel by LPG bus Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol and diesel vehicles to LPG buses in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_public_transport_by_gas_bus.svg T-1A1a-TE-15 Shift to travel by gas bus Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol and diesel vehicles to gas buses in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_public_transport_by_petrol_bus.svg T-1A1a-TE-16 Shift to travel by petrol bus Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol and diesel vehicles to petrol buses in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_public_transport_by_diesel_bus.svg T-1A1a-TE-17 Shift to travel by diesel bus Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol and diesel vehicles to diesel buses in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/increased_proportion_of_public_transport_by_trams_and_light_rail.svg T-1A1a-TE-18 Shift to trams, light rail and subway Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol, diesel, LPG and gas vehicles to tram and light rail in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of commuting
images/icons/shift_to_gas_vehicles.svg T-1A1a-TE-19 Shift to gas cars Shift vehicle kilometer from petrol and diesel vehicles to gas vehicles in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/biofuel_for_gas_vehicles.svg T-1A1a-TE-20 Biofuel for gas cars Increase the proportion of biogas in gas mix
images/icons/increase_renewable_proportion_in_diesel.svg T-1A1a-TE-21 Biofuel for diesel cars Increase the proportion of HVO biodiesel in diesel

T-1A1b - 2/3 Wheel Vehicles

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biofuel_for_petrol_motorcycles.svg T-1A1b-TE-1 Biofuel for petrol motorcycles Increase the proportion of ethanol in petrol
images/icons/shift_to_electric_motorcycles.svg T-1A1b-TE-2 Shift to electric motorcycles

T-1A1c - Buses

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biofuel_for_diesel_buses.svg T-1A1c-TE-1 Biofuel for diesel buses Increase the proportion of biodiesel in diesel
images/icons/biofuel_for_gas_buses.svg T-1A1c-TE-2 Biofuel for gas buses Increase the proportion of biogas in gas mix
images/icons/biofuel_for_petrol_buses.svg T-1A1c-TE-3 Biofuel for petrol buses Increase the proportion of ethanol in petrol

T-1A2 - Rail

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biofuel_for_diesel_rail_passenger.svg T-1A2-TE-1 Biofuel for rail passenger transport Increase the proportion of HVO biodiesel in diesel
images/icons/shift_to_electric_passenger_rail.svg T-1A2-TE-2 Shift to travel by electric rail Shift person kilometer from diesel passenger rail to electric passenger rail in person kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/shift_to_hydrogen_passenger_rail.svg T-1A2-TE-3 Shift to travel by hydrogen rail Shift person kilometer from diesel passenger rail to hydrogen passenger rail in person kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility

T-1A3 - Aviation

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biofuels_for_air_transport.svg T-1A3-TE-1 Biofuel for air passenger transport Increase the proportion of aviation biofuel in aviation turbine fuel
images/icons/more_efficient_passenger_airplanes.svg T-1A3-TE-2 More efficient passenger airplanes Reduce the amount of energy required to operate passenger transportation by air through more efficient passenger airplanes
images/icons/electric_passenger_airplanes.svg T-1A3-TE-3 Shift to electric air passenger transport Shift person kilometer from passenger transportation by air to electric passenger transportation by air in person kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/shift_from_passenger_air_transport_to_railway.svg T-1A3-TE-4 Shift from air travel to railway Shift person kilometer from passenger transportation by air to electric rail in person kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility

T-1A4 - Waterborne

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_lng_fuel_for_sea_passenger_transportation.svg T-1A4-TE-1 Shift to LNG fuel for marine passenger transport Shift person kilometer from ship passenger to LNG shipping passenger in person kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility
images/icons/more_efficient_sea_passenger_transportation.svg T-1A4-TE-2 More efficient marine passenger transport Reduce the amount of energy required to operate diesel, LNG passenger shipping through more more efficient sea passenger transportation
images/icons/biofuel_for_lng_shipping_passenger.svg T-1A4-TE-3 Biofuel for LNG marine passenger transport Increase the proportion of liquefied biogas in liquefied gas mix
images/icons/biofuels_for_sea_passenger_transport.svg T-1A4-TE-4 Biofuel for marine passenger transport Increase the proportion of marine biodiesel in marine diesel
images/icons/electrification_of_domestic_sea_passenger_transport.svg T-1A4-TE-5 Shift to electric marine passenger transportion Shift person kilometer from ship passenger to electric shipping passenger in person kilometer to fulfill the need of mobility

T-1B - Freight

T-1B1 - Road

T-1B1a - Light-duty Trucks

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/gas_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-1 Shift to gas light trucks Shift vehicle kilometer from diesel light trucks to gas light trucks in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/biofuel_for_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-2 Biofuel for diesel light trucks Increase the proportion of HVO biodiesel in diesel
images/icons/biofuel_for_petrol_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-3 Biofuel for petrol light trucks Increase the proportion of ethanol in petrol
images/icons/hydrogen_for_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-4 Shift to hydrogen for light trucks Shift vehicle kilometer from diesel light trucks to hydrogen light trucks in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/ecodriving_of_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-5 Ecodriving of light trucks Reduce the amount of energy required to drive diesel, hydrogen and battery electric light trucks through ecodriving
images/icons/electric_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-6 Shift to electric light trucks Shift vehicle kilometer from diesel light trucks to battery electric light trucks in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/route_optimisation_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-7 Route optimisation for light trucks Reduce the amount of vehicle kilometer from diesel light trucks to fulfill the need of logistics through route optimisation
images/icons/improved_vehicle_technology_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-8 Improved light truck engine technology Reduce the amount of energy required to operate diesel light trucks through improved engine technology
images/icons/improved_load_factor_light_trucks.svg T-1B1a-TE-9 Improved load factor for light trucks Reduce the amount of vehicle kilometer from diesel light trucks to fulfill the need of logistics through improving the load factor
images/icons/shift_to_electric_cargo_bikes.svg T-1B1a-TE-10 Shift to electric cargo bikes Shift vehicle kilometer from diesel and petrol light truck to electric carg bikes in vehicle kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics

T-1B1b - Heavy-duty Trucks

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/gas_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-1 Shift to gas heavy trucks Shift tonne kilometer from diesel heavy trucks to gas heavy trucks in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/biofuel_for_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-2 Biofuel for diesel heavy trucks Increase the proportion of HVO biodiesel in diesel
images/icons/biofuel_for_petrol_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-3 Biofuel for petrol heavy trucks Increase the proportion of ethanol in petrol
images/icons/hydrogen_for_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-4 Shift to hydrogen for heavy trucks Shift tonne kilometer from diesel heavy trucks to hydrogen heavy trucks in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need for logistics
images/icons/ecodriving_of_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-5 Ecodriving of heavy trucks Reduce the amount of energy required to drive diesel, hydrogen and battery electric heavy trucks through ecodriving
images/icons/shift_to_electric_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-6 Shift to electric heavy trucks Shift tonne kilometer from diesel heavy trucks to battery electric heavy trucks in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/improved_vehicle_technology_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-7 Improved heavy truck engine technology Reduce the amount of energy required to operate diesel, hydrogen and battery electric heavy trucks through improved engine technology
images/icons/improved_load_factor_heavy_trucks.svg T-1B1b-TE-8 Improved load factor for heavy trucks Reduce the amount of energy required to operate diesel heavy trucks through improved load factor
images/icons/transfer_from_heavy_truck_to_sea.svg T-1B1b-TE-9 Shift from heavy truck to sea Shift tonne kilometer from diesel heavy trucks to ship freight in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/transfer_from_heavy_truck_to_electric_railway.svg T-1B1b-TE-10 Shift from heavy truck to electric railway Shift tonne kilometer from diesel heavy trucks to electric rail freight in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics

T-1B1c - Other Road Freight

T-1B2 - Rail

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biofuel_for_diesel_rail_freight.svg T-1B2-TE-1 Biofuel for rail freight transport Increase the proportion of HVO biodiesel in diesel
images/icons/shift_to_electric_freight_rail.svg T-1B2-TE-2 Shift to electric freight rail transportation Shift tonne kilometer from diesel freight tail to electric freight tail in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need for logistics
images/icons/shift_to_hydrogen_freight_rail.svg T-1B2-TE-3 Shift to hydrogen freight rail transportation Shift tonne kilometer from diesel freight tail to hydrogen freight tail in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need for logistics

T-1B3 - Aviation

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biofuels_for_freight_air_transport.svg T-1B3-TE-1 Biofuel for kerosene air freight transport Increase the proportion of aviation biofuel in aviation turbine fuel
images/icons/electric_freight_airplanes.svg T-1B3-TE-2 Shift to electric freight air transportation Shift tonne kilometer from freight transportation by air to electric freight transportation by air in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/more_efficient_freight_airplanes.svg T-1B3-TE-3 More efficient air freight transport Reduce the amount of energy required to operate freight transportation by air through more efficient freight airplanes
images/icons/shift_from_freight_air_transport_to_railway.svg T-1B3-TE-4 Shift from freight air transport to electric rail freight Shift tonne kilometer from freight transportation by air to electric rail in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics

T-1B4 - Shipping

T-1B4a - International Shipping

T-1B4b - Navigation

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_lng_fuel_for_sea_freight_transportation.svg T-1B4b-TE-1 Shift to LNG fuel for marine freight transport Shift tonne kilometer from ship freight to LNG shipping freight in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics
images/icons/more_efficient_sea_freight_transportation.svg T-1B4b-TE-2 More efficient marine freight transport Reduce the amount of energy required to operate diesel and electric freight shipping through more efficient sea freight transportation
images/icons/biofuel_for_lng_shipping_freight.svg T-1B4b-TE-3 Biofuel for LNG marine freight transport Increase the proportion of liquefied biogas in liquefied gas mix
images/icons/biofuels_for_sea_freight_transport.svg T-1B4b-TE-4 Biofuel for marine freight transport Increase the proportion of marine biodiesel in marine diesel
images/icons/electrification_of_domestic_sea_freight_transport.svg T-1B4b-TE-5 Shift to electric marine freight transportion Shift tonne kilometer from ship freight to electric shipping freight in tonne kilometer to fulfill the need of logistics

T-1C - Other

T-1C1 - Off-road Vehicles and Other Machinery

T-1C2 - Fishing (Mobile Combustion)

T-1C3 - Pipeline Transport

T-2 - Industry

T-2A - Minerals

T-2A1 - Cement

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biofuels_for_cement_and_mineral_industry.svg T-2A1-TE-1 Shift to use biofuel in cement and mineral industry
images/icons/electrification_of_production_in_cement_and_concrete_industry.svg T-2A1-TE-2 Shift to electricity in cement and mineral industry Shift kilowatt-hours from cement and mineral processes that uses coal to cement and mineral processes that uses electricity

T-2A2 - Lime Production

T-2A3 - Glass Production

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_biogas_energy_in_glass_industries.svg T-2A3-TE-1 Shift to biogas energy in glass industries
images/icons/shift_to_biomass_energy_in_glass_industries.svg T-2A3-TE-2 Shift to biomass energy in glass industries
images/icons/shift_to_electricity_in_glass_industries.svg T-2A3-TE-3 Shift to electricity in glass industries
images/icons/shift_to_hydrogen_energy_in_glass_industries.svg T-2A3-TE-4 Shift to hydrogen energy in glass industries

T-2A4 - Ceramics

T-2A5 - Soda ash (production and use)

T-2A6 - Non-metallurgical Magnesia Production

T-2A7 - Other Mineral Production

T-2B - Chemicals

T-2B1 - Ammonia Production

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biogas_in_methane_reforming_for_ammonia_production.svg T-2B1-TE-1 Biogas in methane reforming for ammonia production

T-2B2 - Nitric Acid Production

T-2B3 - Adipic Acid Production

T-2B4 - Caprolactum, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid Production

T-2B5 - Carbide Production

T-2B6 - Titanium Dioxide Production

T-2B7 - Petrochemical and Carbon Black Production

T-2B8 - Flurochemical Production

T-2B9 - Other Chemical Production

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_biogas_energy_in_chemical_industries.svg T-2B9-TE-1 Shift to biogas energy in chemical industries
images/icons/shift_to_biomass_energy_in_chemical_industries.svg T-2B9-TE-2 Shift to biomass energy in chemical industries
images/icons/shift_to_electricity_in_chemical_industries.svg T-2B9-TE-3 Shift to electricity in chemical industries
images/icons/shift_to_hydrogen_energy_in_chemical_industries.svg T-2B9-TE-4 Shift to hydrogen energy in chemical industries

T-2C - Metals

T-2C1 - Iron and Steel Production

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_biogas_energy_in_iron_and_steel_industries.svg T-2C1-TE-1 Shift to biogas energy in iron and steel industries
images/icons/shift_to_biomass_energy_in_iron_and_steel_industries.svg T-2C1-TE-2 Shift to biomass energy in iron and steel industries
images/icons/shift_to_electric_arc_furnaces_in_steel_industries.svg T-2C1-TE-3 Shift to electric arc furnaces in steel industries
images/icons/shift_to_electricity_in_iron_and_steel_industries.svg T-2C1-TE-4 Shift to electricity in iron and steel industries
images/icons/shift_to_hydrogen_energy_in_iron_and_steel_industries.svg T-2C1-TE-5 Shift to hydrogen energy in iron and steel industries

T-2C2 - Ferro Alloys Production

T-2C3 - Aluminium Production

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_inert_anodes_in_aluminium_industries.svg T-2C3-TE-1 Shift to inert anodes in aluminium industries

T-2C4 - Magnesium Production

T-2C5 - Lead Production

T-2C6 - Zinc Production

T-2C7 - Other Metal Production

T-2C8 - Fugitive Emissions from Fuel Transformation

T-2D - Other

T-2D1 - Manufacturing

T-2D1a - Food Systems, Processing, Beverages, Tobacco

T-2D1b - Pulp, Paper and Print

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_biogas_energy_in_pulp_paper_and_print_industries.svg T-2D1b-TE-1 Shift to biogas energy in pulp, paper and print industries
images/icons/shift_to_biomass_energy_in_pulp_paper_and_print_industries.svg T-2D1b-TE-2 Shift to biomass energy in pulp, paper and print industries
images/icons/shift_to_electricity_in_pulp_paper_and_print_industries.svg T-2D1b-TE-3 Shift to electricity in pulp, paper and print industries
images/icons/shift_to_hydrogen_energy_in_pulp_paper_and_print_industries.svg T-2D1b-TE-4 Shift to hydrogen energy in pulp, paper and print industries

T-2D1c - Non-metallic Minerals

T-2D1d - Mining and Quarrying

T-2D2 - Product Use

T-2D2a - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Stationary)

T-2D2b - Solvents

T-2D2c - Lubricants

T-2D2d - Medical Applications

T-2D2e - Propellant for Pressure Aerosol Products

T-2D2f - Other Product Use

T-2D3 - Electronics

T-2D3a - Integrated Circuit or Semiconductor

T-2D3b - Displays

T-2D3c - Photovoltaics

T-2D3d - Microelectromechanical Systems

T-2D3e - Manufacture of Electrical Equipment

T-2D3f - Waterproofing of Electronic Circuits

T-2D3g - Accelerators

T-2D3h - Military Applications

T-2D4 - Mobile Machinery

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/mobile_machinery_using_biofuels.svg T-2D4-TE-1 Shift to biofuel for mobile machinery Shift kilowatt-hours from mobile machinery diesel to mobile machinery biofuel in kilowatt-hour to fulfill the need of productivity
images/icons/electrification_of_mobile_machinery.svg T-2D4-TE-2 Shift to electric mobile machinery
images/icons/efficient_use_of_mobile_machinery.svg T-2D4-TE-3 Efficient use of mobile machinery Reduce the amount of energy required to operate diesel, petrol, biofuel, LPG and electricity mobile machinery through more efficient use

T-2D5 - Other Industry


T-3A - Livestock

T-3A1 - Enteric Fermentation

Index Transition Element Description
T-3A1-TE-1 Shift to Sustainable Healthy Diets

T-3A2 - Manure Management

T-3B - Land

T-3B1 - Forest land

T-3B2 - Cropland

T-3B3 - Grassland

T-3B4 - Wetlands

T-3B5 - Settlements

T-3B6 - Other Land

T-3C - Aggregate Sources & Other

T-3C1 - Biomas Burning

T-3C2 - Managed Soils and Pasture

T-3C3 - Rice Cultivation

T-3C4 - Synthetic Fertiliser Application

T-3C5 - Harvested Wood Products

T-3C6 - Other

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/energy_efficient_other_agriculture_forestry_fishing_electric_appliances.svg T-3C6-TE-1 Energy efficient agriculture, forestry and fishing electrical appliances Reduce the amount of energy required to operate agriculture, forestry and fishing electrical appliances

T-3C7 - Carbon Sequestration

T-4 - Buildings

T-4A - Residential

T-4A1 - HVAC

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/energy_efficient_new_housing.svg T-4A1-TE-1 Energy efficient new Housing

T-4A1a - Multi-family HVAC

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/heat_pumps_in_multi_family_residential_buildings.svg T-4A1a-TE-1 Shift to heat pumps in multi-family buildings Shift square meter from multi-family buildings heated with gas, oil, direct electric, coal and LPG to multi-family buildings heated with heat pumps in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_district_heating_in_multi_family_buildings.svg T-4A1a-TE-2 Shift to district heating in multi-family buildings Shift square meter from multi family building heated with gas, oil, direct electric, coal and LPG to multi family building heated with district heating in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_district_cooling_in_multi_family_buildings.svg T-4A1a-TE-3 Shift to district cooling in multi-family buildings Shift square meter from multi family building cooling with AC to multi family building cooling with district cooling in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_solar_thermal_in_multi_family_buildings.svg T-4A1a-TE-4 Shift to solar thermal in multi-family buildings Shift square meter from multi family building heated with gas, oil, direct electric and coal to multi family building heated with solar thermal in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/heating_multi_family_residential_buildings_with_renewable_solid_biofuels.svg T-4A1a-TE-5 Shift to biofuel heating in multi-family buildings Shift square meter from multi family building heated with gas oil, direct electric, coal and LPG to multi family building heated with solid biofuels in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/energy_efficient_multi_family_residential_buildings_retrofitting.svg T-4A1a-TE-6 Retrofitting multi-family buildings for efficient heating Reduce the amount of energy required to heat district heating, gas, oil, direct electric, heat pump, solid biofuels, coal, solar thermal and LPG multi family buildings through retrofitting
images/icons/efficient_use_multi_family_residential_buildings_cooling.svg T-4A1a-TE-7 Energy efficient use of ACs in multi-family buildings Reduce the amount of energy required to cool multi family building with AC through more efficient use
images/icons/energy_efficient_multi_family_residential_buildings_cooling.svg T-4A1a-TE-8 Energy efficient AC in multi-family buildings Reduce the amount of energy required to cool multi family buildings with AC through more efficient AC units
images/icons/energy_efficient_multi_family_residential_buildings_retrofitting_cooling.svg T-4A1a-TE-9 Retrofitting multi-family buildings for efficient cooling Reduce the amount of energy required to cool multi family building with AC and disitrct cooling through retrofitting

T-4A1b - Single-family HVAC

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/heat_pumps_in_single_family_residential_buildings.svg T-4A1b-TE-1 Shift to heat pumps in single-family buildings Shift square meter from single-family buildings heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to single-family buildings heated with heat pumps in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_district_heating_in_single_family_houses.svg T-4A1b-TE-2 Shift to district heating in single-family buildings Shift square meter from single family building heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to single family building heating with district heating in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_district_cooling_in_single_family_buildings.svg T-4A1b-TE-3 Shift to district cooling in single-family buildings Shift square meter from single family building cooling with AC to single family building cooling with district cooling in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_solar_thermal_in_single_family_buildings.svg T-4A1b-TE-4 Shift to solar thermal in single-family buildings Shift square meter from single family building heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters and coal to single family building heated with solar thermal in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/heating_single_family_residential_buildings_with_renewable_solid_biofuels.svg T-4A1b-TE-5 Shift to biofuel heating in single-family buildings Shift square meter from single-family buildings heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to single-family buildings heated with solid biofuels in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/energy_efficient_single_family_residential_buildings_retrofitting.svg T-4A1b-TE-6 Retrofitting single-family buildings for efficient heating Reduce the amount of energy required to heat single family building with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, district heating, heat pump, coal, solar thermal, solid biofuels and LPG through retrofitting
images/icons/efficient_use_single_family_residential_buildings_cooling.svg T-4A1b-TE-7 Energy efficient use of ACs in single-family buildings Reduce the amount of energy required to cool single family building cooling with AC through efficient AC units
images/icons/energy_efficient_single_family_residential_buildings_cooling.svg T-4A1b-TE-8 Energy efficient AC in single-family buildings Reduce the amount of energy required to cool single family building with AC through more efficient AC units
images/icons/energy_efficient_single_family_residential_buildings_retrofitting_cooling.svg T-4A1b-TE-9 Retrofitting single-family buildings for efficient cooling Reduce the amount of energy required to cool single family building with AC and disitrct cooling through retrofitting
images/icons/shift_to_biogas_heating_of_single_family_residential_buildings.svg T-4A1b-TE-10 Shift to biogas heating in single-family buildings Shift square meter from single family residential building heating with gas tosingle family residential building heating with biogas in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises

T-4A2 - Energy Usage

T-4A2a - Lighting

T-4A2b - Household Appliances

T-4A2c - Consumer Electronics

T-4A2d - Unregulated

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/energy_efficient_other_residential_electric_appliances.svg T-4A2d-TE-1 Energy efficient residential electrical appliances Reduce the amount of energy required to operate residential electrical appliances
images/icons/shift_to_residential_electric_cooking_stoves.svg T-4A2d-TE-2 Shift to residential electric cooking stoves Shift kWh from residential cooking gas stoves to residential electric cooking stoves in kWh to fullfill the need for cooking

T-4A3 - Non-CO₂ Emissions

T-4B - Non-Residential

T-4B1 - HVAC

T-4B1a - Commercial HVAC

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_district_heating_in_commercial_buildings.svg T-4B1a-TE-1 Shift to district heating in commercial buildings Shift square meter from commercial building heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to commercial building heating with district heating in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_district_cooling_in_commercial_buildings.svg T-4B1a-TE-2 Shift to district cooling in commerical buildings Shift square meter from commerical building cooling with AC to commerical building cooling with district cooling in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/heat_pumps_in_non_residential_commercial_buildings.svg T-4B1a-TE-3 Shift to heat pumps in commerical buildings Shift square meter from commercial buildings heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to commercial buildings heated with heat pumps in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/heating_non_residential_commercial_buildings_with_renewable_solid_biofuels.svg T-4B1a-TE-4 Shift to biofuel in commercial buildings Shift square meter from commercial buildings heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to commercial buildings heated with solid biofuels in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_solar_thermal_in_commercial_buildings.svg T-4B1a-TE-5 Shift to solar thermal in commercial buildings Shift square meter from commercial building heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal, LPG to commercial building heated with solar thermal in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/energy_efficient_non_residential_commercial_buildings_retrofitting.svg T-4B1a-TE-6 Retrofitting commerical buildings for efficient heating Reduce the amount of energy required to heat commercial building with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, district heating, heat pump, coal, solar thermal, solid biofuels and LPG through retrofitting
images/icons/energy_efficient_non_residential_commercial_buildings_retrofitting_cooling.svg T-4B1a-TE-7 Retrofitting commerical buildings for efficient cooling Reduce the amount of energy required to cool commerical building with AC and disitrct cooling through retrofitting
images/icons/energy_efficient_new_commercial_buildings.svg T-4B1a-TE-9 Energy efficient new Commercial Buildings
images/icons/shift_to_biogas_heating_of_non_residential_commercial_buildings.svg T-4B1a-TE-10 Shift to biogas in commercial buildings Shift square meter from commercial building heating with gas to commercial building heating with biogas in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises

T-4B2b - Institutional HVAC

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_district_heating_in_public_buildings.svg T-4B1b-TE-1 Shift to district heating in public buildings Shift square meter from public building heated with oil, gas, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to public building heating with district heating in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_district_cooling_in_public_buildings.svg T-4B1b-TE-2 Shift to district cooling in public buildings Shift square meter from industrial building cooling with AC to industrial building cooling with district cooling in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/heat_pumps_in_non_residential_public_buildings.svg T-4B1b-TE-3 Shift to heat pumps in public buildings Shift square meter from public buildings heated with oil, gas, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to public buildings heated with heat pumps in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/heating_non_residential_public_buildings_with_renewable_solid_biofuels.svg T-4B1b-TE-4 Shift to biofuel in public buildings Shift square meter from public buildings heated with oil, gas, direct electric heaters, coal and LPG to public buildings heated with solid biofuels in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_solar_thermal_in_public_buildings.svg T-4B1b-TE-5 Shift to solar thermal in public buildings Shift square meter from public building heated with oil, gas, direct electric heaters and coal to public building heating with solar thermal in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/energy_efficient_non_residential_public_buildings_retrofitting.svg T-4B1b-TE-6 Retrofitting public buildings for efficient heating Reduce the amount of energy required to heat public building heating with district heating oil, gas, direct electric heaters, solid biofuels, heat pump, coal, solar thermal and LPG through retrofitting
images/icons/energy_efficient_non_residential_public_buildings_retrofitting_cooling.svg T-4B1b-TE-7 Retrofitting public buildings for efficient cooling Reduce the amount of energy required to cool public building with AC and disitrct cooling through retrofitting

T-4B2c - Other HVAC

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_district_heating_in_industrial_buildings.svg T-4B1c-TE-1 Shift to district heating in industrial buildings Shift square meter from industrial building heated with gas, oil and direct electric heaters to industrial building heating with district heating in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_district_cooling_in_industrial_buildings.svg T-4B1c-TE-2 Shift to district cooling in industrial buildings Shift square meter from industrial building cooling with AC to industrial building cooling with district cooling in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/heat_pumps_in_non_residential_industrial_buildings.svg T-4B1c-TE-3 Shift to heat pumps in industrial buildings Heat pumps in non residential industrial buildings
images/icons/heating_non_residential_industrial_buildings_with_renewable_solid_biofuels.svg T-4B1c-TE-4 Shift to biofuel in industrial buildings Shift square meter from industrial buildings heated with gas, oil and direct electric heaters to industrial buildings heated with solid biofuels in square meter to fulfill the need for comfortable premises
images/icons/shift_to_solar_thermal_in_industrial_buildings.svg T-4B1c-TE-5 Shift to solar thermal in industrial buildings Shift square meter from industrial building heated with gas, oil, direct electric heaters, coal, LPG to industrial building heated with solar thermal in square meter to fulfill the need of comfortable premises
images/icons/energy_efficient_non_residential_industrial_buildings_retrofitting.svg T-4B1c-TE-6 Retrofitting industrial buildings for efficient heating Reduce the amount of energy required to heat industrial building with district heating, gas, oil, direct electric heaters, solid biofuels, heat pump through retrofitting
images/icons/energy_efficient_non_residential_industrial_buildings_retrofitting_cooling.svg T-4B1c-TE-7 Retrofitting industrial buildings for efficient cooling Reduce the amount of energy required to cool industrial building with AC and disitrct cooling through retrofitting

T-4B2 - Energy Usage

T-4B2a - Lighting

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/energy_efficient_street_lighting.svg T-4B2a-TE-1 Energy efficient street lighting Reduce the amount of energy required to operate street lighting

T-4B2b - Equipment and Appliances

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_commercial_electric_cooking_stoves.svg T-4B2b-TE-1 Shift to commercial electric cooking stoves Shift kWh from commercial cooking gas stoves to commercial electric cooking stoves in kWh to fullfill the need for cooking

T-4B2c - Other / Unregulated

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/energy_efficient_other_commercial_electric_appliances.svg T-4B2c-TE-1 Energy efficient commercial electrical appliances Reduce the amount of energy required to operate commercial electrical appliances
images/icons/energy_efficient_other_industrial_electric_appliances.svg T-4B2c-TE-2 Energy efficient industrial electrical appliances Reduce the amount of energy required to operate industrial electrical appliances
images/icons/energy_efficient_other_institutional_electric_appliances.svg T-4B2c-TE-3 Energy efficient public electrical appliances Reduce the amount of energy required to operate public electrical appliances

T-4B3 - Non-CO₂ Emissions

T-4C - Building Stocks

T-4C1 - Construction

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/low_carbon_construction_of_buildings.svg T-4C1-TE-1 Low carbon construction of buildings
images/icons/low_carbon_construction_of_multi_family_residential_housing.svg T-4C1-TE-2 Low carbon construction of multi-family buildings Shift square meter from residential multi family standard construction to residential multi family low carbon construction in square meter to fulfill the need of housing
images/icons/low_carbon_construction_of_non_residential_commercial_buildings.svg T-4C1-TE-3 Low carbon construction of commercial buildings Shift square meter from non residential commercial standard construction to non residential commercial low carbon construction in square meter to fulfill the need of housing

T-4C2 - Maintenance and Retrofitting

T-4C3 - Disposal

T-5 - Energy

T-5A - Energy Supply

T-5A1 - Electricity

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/coal_fired_power_plants.svg T-5A1-TE-1 Coal fired power plants Alter the amount of electricity produced by coal fired power plants
images/icons/gas_fired_power_plants.svg T-5A1-TE-2 Gas fired power plant Alter the amount of electricity produced by gas fired power plants
images/icons/improved_grid_electricity.svg T-5A1-TE-3 Improved Grid Electricity
images/icons/imported_grid_electricity_emission_factor.svg T-5A1-TE-4 Update imported electricity grid emission factor Alter the emission factor (grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour) for the electricity grid
images/icons/oil_fired_power_plants.svg T-5A1-TE-5 Oil fired power plant Alter the amount of electricity produced by oil fired power plants
images/icons/hydro_reservoir.svg T-5A1-TE-6 Electricity from hydro reservoir Alter the amount of electricity produced by hydro reservoir
images/icons/solar_parks.svg T-5A1-TE-7 Electricity from solar parks Alter the amount of electricity produced by solar parks
images/icons/solar_rooftops.svg T-5A1-TE-8 Electricity from solar rooftops Alter the amount of electricity produced by solar rooftops
images/icons/wind_offshore.svg T-5A1-TE-9 Electricity from wind offshore Alter the amount of electricity produced by wind offshore
images/icons/wind_onshore.svg T-5A1-TE-10 Electricity from wind onshore Alter the amount of electricity produced by wind onshore
images/icons/biofuel_fired_power_plants.svg T-5A1-TE-11 Alter electricity from biomass power plants Alter the amount of electricity produced by biofuel fired power plants

T-5A2 - Heat

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/imported_grid_district_heat.svg T-5A2-TE-1 District heat from imported grid Alter the amount of district heat produced by imported grid district heat
images/icons/imported_grid_district_heat_emission_factor.svg T-5A2-TE-2 Update imported district heat grid emission factor Alter the emission factor (grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour) for the district heat grid
images/icons/district_heating_residual_heat.svg T-5A2-TE-3 District heating by residual heat Alter the amount of district heat produced by residual heat
images/icons/district_heating_heat_pumps.svg T-5A2-TE-4 District heating by heat pump Alter the amount of district heat produced by heat pumps
images/icons/shift_to_heat_pumps_in_district_heating.svg T-5A2-TE-5 Shift to heat pumps in district heating
images/icons/shift_to_residual_heat_in_district_heating.svg T-5A2-TE-6 Shift to Residual Heat in district heating

T-5A3 - Combined Heat and Power

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/chp_coal.svg T-5A3-TE-1 Alter CHP coal production Alter the amount of district heat and electricity produced by CHP coal
images/icons/chp_oil.svg T-5A3-TE-2 Alter CHP oil production Alter the amount of district heat and electricity produced by CHP oil
images/icons/chp_natural_gas.svg T-5A3-TE-3 Alter CHP natural gas production Alter the amount of district heat and electricity produced by CHP natural gas
images/icons/chp_waste_incineration.svg T-5A3-TE-4 Alter CHP waste incineration Alter the amount of district heat and electricity produced by CHP waste incineration
images/icons/chp_biofuels.svg T-5A3-TE-5 Alter CHP biofuel production Alter the amount of district heat and electricity produced by CHP biofuels
images/icons/increased_energy_recovery_from_waste.svg T-5A3-TE-6 Increased energy recovery from waste
images/icons/shift_to_biofuel_in_district_heating.svg T-5A3-TE-7 Shift to biofuel in district heating

T-5A4 - Gas Fuels

T-5A5 - Liquid Fuels

T-5A6 - Other Fuels

T-5A7 - Fugitive Emissions

T-5B - Energy Transformation

T-5B1 - Petroleum Refinement

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/shift_to_biomass_energy_in_petroleum_refinement.svg T-5B1-TE-1 Shift to biomass energy in petroleum refinement

T-5B2 - Biofuel Refinement

T-5B3 - Natural Gas Refinement

T-5B4 - Hydrogen Refinement

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/biogas_in_methane_reforming_for_hydrogen_production.svg T-5B4-TE-1 Biogas in methane reforming for hydrogen production
images/icons/biomass_in_carbon_gasification_for_hydrogen_production.svg T-5B4-TE-2 Biomass in carbon gasification for hydrogen production
images/icons/shift_to_biogas_energy_in_hydrogen_refinement.svg T-5B4-TE-3 Shift to biogas energy in hydrogen refinement
images/icons/shift_to_biomass_energy_in_hydrogen_refinement.svg T-5B4-TE-4 Shift to biomass energy in hydrogen refinement
images/icons/shift_to_electricity_in_hydrogen_refinement.svg T-5B4-TE-5 Shift to electricity in hydrogen refinement
images/icons/shift_to_electrolysis_of_water_for_hydrogen_production.svg T-5B4-TE-6 Shift to electrolysis of water for hydrogen production

T-5B5 - Other

T-5B6 - Fugitive Emissions from Fuel Transformation

T-5C - Energy Transmission and Storage

T-5C1 - Electricity

T-5C2 - Gas

T-5C3 - Oil

T-5C4 - District Heating & Cooling

T-5C5 - Fugitive Emissions from Fuel Storage

T-5D - Other

T-5D1 - Non-specified Energy Use

T-5D2 - Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

T-6 - Waste

T-6A - Solids

T-6A1 - Solid Waste Disposal

Index Transition Element Description
images/icons/increased_recycling.svg T-6A1-TE-1 Shift to recycling of solid waste Shift tonnes from solid waste disposal in landfills and open dumps, incineration and open burning of waste to recycling of solid waste in tonne to fulfill the need of waste handling

T-6A2 - Incineration and Open Burning of Waste

T-6A3 - Biological Treatment of Solid Waste

T-6A4 - Composting

T-6B - Non-Solids

T-6B1 - Wastewater Treatment

T-6B2 - Other Waste

50% This page is roughly halfway complete and is actively being developed.